Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trying to do it all just means you do nothing...

How many times do you find yourself constantly at the starting line?

I am always:
- "Starting over"
- "Trying to get back on the band wagon"
- "Let's get motivated"

It is getting old. Having the same conversations with the same people about the same issue.

~ Getting Fit ~ Eating Right ~ Being Healthy ~

Why is it so difficult to just do the right thing? Well, I can tell you why it is difficult for me:


"I am going to work out every second of the day" - Let's get real people! You are not. You have other commitments. You are already setting yourself up for failure.

"I am going to eat the best food in the world at all times" - Umm, really? I don't know about you, but I get so lost in all the information out there that it too overwhelming!

You have to start at one point and continuously go forward.
No matter what,
No matter what!
Even if you remain in the same spot for quite a long time, it is better then reversing any good you have done.

My new plan (wink wink) and hopefully last plan is the following:

I will commit working out 3x a week. That should be fairly reasonable to fit in my hectic life with my two children and husband.

I will commit to to following the three rules from  Eating Rules .

When you eat grains, eat only 100% whole grains.
Don’t eat high fructose corn syrup.
Don’t eat hydrogenated oils, trans fats, or anything that’s been deep-fried.

Just three simple rules, rather eight zillion things!

I will follow the Dirty Dozen/Clean15 rules for produce.
This will tell you what to buy organic and what does not need to be organic. You can download the PDF and print it and you can, also, download it on your smartphone - Android or Iphone for free

If we just worry about a couple of things, then we can progress forward. Slowly, things can be added to the list. Then all of the sudden, things are being accomplished that we never thought would be possible!

This commerical is what my kids like to say is me:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Progress is Progress

How many times do you hear people be overly critical on their weight loss or workout regiment? It isn't good enough, it isn't fast enough, it is less then what blah blah blah did.

A loss is a loss people!

A workout is a work out. It is better then doing nothing and it is better then sitting on the couch.

Progress is Progress!

Slow progress is better then no progress. Slow progress adds up to some great big things!

When you look back over the time that seemed very long, you realize it wasn't that long at all and you have accomplished GREAT things!